Is there a family photo lying around that speaks volumes about life in the ‘60s? Or snaps of buildings that have since been demolished? Or once shot an event on the fly?
Photographs are crucial witnesses, in addition to written and oral narratives, that serve people in reliving, understanding and evaluating things that have once been.
Living with Myths seeks photographic representations that capture Singapore throughout its evolution, from the 1950s through to today.
We are seeking thought-provoking images, or images that reveal an unknown or hidden side of Singapore history.
All entries will be considered for the website and promotional materials of our ongoing seminars, as well as the compendium of essays slated to be published in 2016.
Participants must email the completed entry form and the images to livingwithmyths.singapore@gmail.com. The subject of the email should be “Photo submission - <<your name>>”. E.g. Photo submission – Janice Teo.
If the total file size of the attachments exceeds the allowable limit of your email server, the images may be emailed separately in consecutive emails.
Higher resolution images (at least 300dpi) are strongly suggested for book reproduction quality.
Do not submit original prints; entry material submitted will not be returned.
On-going submissions are welcome, and should be made before 30 December 2015.
Photographs must be in digital format as jpegs. However, photos need not be taken with a digital camera; scans of negatives, transparencies, or photographic prints are acceptable.
Photos that include sculptures, statues, paintings, or other works of art will be accepted provided they do not constitute copyright infringement or fraud (when photographing someone else’s work, the object must be in the environment and not a full-frame close-up of the art in question.Photographs should not contain identifiable persons, unless permission has been obtained from them.
Participants should submit an appropriate caption for each entry that briefly describes the image and indicates where the photo was taken. The photograph, in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the Participant.
By entering this Call for Submission, the Participant acknowledges and warrants that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by the Participant, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim or interest in the photograph, The Participant accepts all responsibility for any copy right issues that may arise.
Living with Myths reserves the right not to accept any photograph without explanation.By entering the contest, the Participant grants permission to Living with Myths to use the photo on the Living with Myths website, social media sites, other promotional materials, as well as the book.
All photos will be credited, unless otherwise instructed by Participants.
NOTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTED WORK - Only Participants whose images are selected for inclusion will be notified by email after their works are used on the website or promotional materials. Participants whose images are selected for the book will be notified by email in March 2016.
RIGHT TO SUSPEND OR CANCEL CALL FOR SUBMISSION - Living with Myths reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Call for Submission for any reason
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - By entering this Call for Submission, all Participants agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless Living with Myths and its affiliates from any claims, losses and damages arising out of their participation in the Call for Submission or any Call for Submission-related activities.
Download entry form